
Interactive Wayfinder

The interactive display is used by patrons to find games, see promotions, find upcoming entertainment and locate restaurants.

The Problem

This website was outdated and the user journey offered was confusing and even prevented in some cases the user to get their needs met. Readability on what do next wasn't clear and the images had too much text which would make it difficult for search engines to read the content.


Stakeholders wanted the site to be redesigned with a contemporary look. Dark background but with a strong contrast for easy readability for accessibility.

Design Tools

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD


Team Collaboration, User Testing, Card Sorting, Mood Boards, Client Collaboration

MCS Theatre

Mood Board

I brained stormed on a mood board for the client prior to our initial meeting. I got the feel of what the client was looking for and began to work on their site.

Site Map

The site map was updated to be more simplified for better readability to direct the user strait away. Mainline navigation titles are single word titles for that continued simplified readability.

Site Map

Wireframes Mid Fidelity

This is the wireframe of the home page. One pain point is providing a clear focal point featured event of big name shows that will separate itself from just the typical content. This will not always be on the site.

full fidelity

These are some of the high fidelity prototypes of this site redesign.  It’s difficult to display all the pages, but click on the link to
see the prototype:  Theatre Prototype Link